
There are two types of custody orders in Nevada.

  1. Legal Custody: Addresses the decision making rights of the parents. With joint legal custody, both parents share equally in the major decision making regarding their child. Both parents also have equal rights to the child’s medical and educational records.
  2. Physical Custody: Addresses with whom the child resides. Physical custody can be joint or primary. With joint physical custody, the child resides with both parents on an equal (or almost equal) basis. With primary custody, the child resides with one parent more than 60% of the time.

Both types of these custody orders can be divided between parents and/or legal guardians or even other 3rd parties. Custody orders may be either temporary or indefinite. However, the court retains jurisdiction to modify custodial orders any time before the child reaches the age of majority.

Modification of custody/visitation
The court retains jurisdiction until the child attains the age of majority (18 years) and the Court may modify its orders anytime the child’s best interests require doing so.

Rights of Grandparents and/or other third parties
Grandparents rights fall under the Nevada statute that allows third party visitation rights to children. If you meet certain criteria and it is in the best interest of the child, a court may award 3rd parties visitation and other rights. The Jacobson Law Office has even achieved custodial rights for grandparents and other family members who proved to be the appropriate primary custodians for the child.